Action 10: Establish or join a Housing Rehabilitation Program Form

Housing Smart Communities Coordinator


Action 10: Establish or join a Housing Rehabilitation Program

This action involves establishing or joining a housing rehabilitation program provides homeowners with access to grants, loans, and technical assistance for home rehabilitation's and retrofits.

Option 1: Join an existing Housing Rehabilitation Program

1. Has the municipality passed a resolution to join an existing Housing Rehabilitation Program?

Option 2: Establish a Housing Rehabilitation Program

2. Has the municipality passed a resolution to create a Housing Rehabilitation Program?
3. Has the municipality designated a municipal staff member to administer the program?
4. Has the municipality established written guidelines for the program on eligibility, application procedures, property eligibility, priorities and selection criteria, and types of assistance available?
6. Has the municipality developed and implement an outreach strategy to ensure the program serves those most in need?
7. As part of the program, has the municipality made steps to work in conjunction with local banks to market existing loan programs?
8. Has the municipality established a process for creating and publishing an annual program report?
9. Has the municipality partnered with a non-profit housing organization to secure housing rehabilitation funds from the New York State Affordable Housing Corporation, which is typically tied to a first-time homebuyer program? NOTE: This criteria is recommended but not required.