
UCHSCI Municipal Coordinator
The designated Ulster County Housing Smart Communities Initiative contact for Woodstock (Ulster) is:
UCHSCI Municipal HSCI Task Force Members
Susan Goldman
Urana Kinlen
Kirk Ritchey
Katherine Tegen
Deborah DeWan
Certification Actions
Checked boxes mean that UCHSCI Certification Action has been submitted, has met, and was approved by UCHSCI Admin. Need help? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions.
Join the Program: pass a resolution, designate a HSCI coordinator, register on the HSCI website
Uploaded Supporting Documentation:
Town of Woodstock - Housing Smart Communities Initiative Resolution
Establish A Community Outreach and Educational Campaign On the Importance of Developing a Range of Housing Options
Create a Municipal Housing Action Plan
Implement Upzoning and Mandatory Affordability
Adopt an Affordable Housing Overlay
Streamline the Development Approval Process
Promote the Development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
Issue Requests for Concepts/Proposals to Encourage Housing Development
Adopt Green Building Energy Code and Site Design Guidelines
Adopt Existing Real Property Tax Laws
Implement a Housing Rehab Program
Create Innovative Housing Solutions