Action 5: Implement Upzoning and Mandatory Affordable Housing Form

Housing Smart Communities Coordinator


Action 5: Implement Upzoning and Mandatory Affordable Housing

This action involves updating the municipalities land use and/or zoning code to increase the number of units that can be built in residential zones in the municipality.
1. Does the upzoning changes undertaken by the municipality increase the total number of potential housing units to be built in the community by a factor of 3 or more?
2. Does the upzoning changes undertaken by the municipality include a mandatory affordable housing provision in which new developments with six units or more include a minimum of ten percent of units as affordable for households with incomes for rental units at or below 80 percent of the county area median income (AMI) and at or below 100% for units being sold for homeownership?
3. Does the mandatory affordable housing provision include the development of a registry for newly built affordable units, in which building owners must update contact and unit information on an annual basis or face penalties?
4. Does the mandatory affordable housing provision include a process to designate the responsibility of tracking, monitoring, and enforcing compliance for applicable housing units to a municipal staff member, department, or partnering agency?