Action 7: Develop a housing sites inventory and issue a Request for Concepts/Proposals to encourage new housing development Housing Smart Communities CoordinatorMunicipality Name:(Required)Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Action 7: Develop a housing sites inventory and issue a Request for Concepts/Proposals to encourage new housing developmentThis action involves developing an inventory of land suitable for residential development in a community and typically includes vacant sites and sites having the potential for redevelopment (i.e., low-density land uses). This action also includes the development of a Request for Concepts (RFC) and Request for Proposals (RFP) are tools that can be used to solicit conceptual development proposals for specific sites for new housing development. 1. Has the municipality completed a housing sites inventory that includes vacant sites and sites having the potential for redevelopment (i.e., low-density land uses)? Yes No 2. Has the municipality developed an RFC/RFP for soliciting housing development proposals? Yes No Please provide a link or links to all documents related to this action on the municipalities website to help verify the answers to the questions above.Is there anything else you would like to share about your housing sites inventory and RFC/RFP process? Provide comments below.CAPTCHAUntitled